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Finding Roots of a Equation by Newton-Raphson Method

In this tutorial, we are interested to the roots of the following function.

f(x) = sin x + 2 - 0.1 x

To find the value of x or roots of the equation, Newton-Raphson method is applied. For the proper initial guess for x, graphical method is applied to visualize the characteristics of this nonlinear function. This graphical technique also helps to find multiple roots for the unknown function. The following MATLAB commands generate the plot of the function, f(x). This function is plotted with respect to the values of x from -50 to +50.

>> X=-100:100;
>> plot(X,(sin(X)+2-(0.1*X)))

From the following figure 1, it is clear that the equation has seven roots and plotting the function helps to get the roots. The function changes its sign from, x = 10 - 11, 11 -12, 16 -17, 18 - 19, 21 - 22, 25 - 26, and 27 - 28. And, the roots of the equation must lie between these intervals. Now, to get good approximations of the roots, a Newton-Raphson algorithm is written in MATLAB.

Plot of the function f(x) to identify the intervals where roots of the function lie

Figure 1: Plot of the function f(x) to identify the intervals where roots of the function lie.

The program is developed by MATLAB user defined function called “sinusoidal”. The initial assumptions for approximating seven roots of x are 10.5, 11.5, 16.5, 18.5, 21.5, 25.5 and 27.5 respectively. The codes are given below. It is straightforward to run the program seven times as we have seven initial guesses for the corresponding roots.

Newton-Raphson Algorithm by MATLAB

% Definition of a function "sinusoidal" to solve equation by Newton-Raphson
function [x,ea] = sinusoidal(X, etol)
format long;
% Input: X=21.5, etol=Tolerance definition for error
% Output: x=Solution of equation, ea=Calculated error in loop
% Program Initialization
solution = 21.5;
% Iterative Calculations
while (1)
    solutionprevious = solution;

% Implementation of Newton-Raphson Method 
    solution = X - (sin(X)+2-(0.1*X))/(cos(X)-0.1);               
if solution~=0                         % Approximate percent relative error
    ea=abs((solution - solutionprevious)/solution)*100;      
if ea<=etol,                  % Condition to meet specified error tolerance
x = solution;

% Display of output parameters

Program Outputs: 

>> sinusoidal (10.5,1e-10)
ans =
>> sinusoidal(11.5, 1e-10)
ans =
>> sinusoidal (16.5,1e-10)
ans =
>> sinusoidal (18.5,1e-10)
ans =
>> sinusoidal (21.5,1e-10)
ans =
>> sinusoidal (25.5,1e-10)
ans =
>> sinusoidal (27.5,1e-10)
ans =

So, the seven roots from the program are 10.637, 11.562, 16.108, 18.721, 21.809, 25.745 and 27.436. In all the cases, the error tolerance limit is kept extremely small (0.0000000001) to get more accurate and precise results.

#Blog #Blogger #NewtonRaphson #Matlab #Sinusoidal

Explicit Euler Method to Solve System of ODEs in MATLAB

In this tutorial, I am going to show a simple way to solve system of first order ordinary differential equations (ODE) by using explicit Euler method. Let' say, we have following three first order ODEs.

First Order Ordinary Differential Equations

Here, we have 3 ODEs, 3 dependent variables (x, y, z), and 1 independent variable, t. The initial conditions when time is zero are, x(0) = y(0) = z(0) =1. Our goal is to solve these differential equations with explicit Euler approach and plot the solutions afterwards.

Step 1: Define the Equations
The first step is to define all the differential equations in MATLAB. I did this by using MATLAB function handle, which is shown below.

Defining differential equations in MATLAB

Step 2: Choose a Numerical Approach 
The next step is to select a numerical method to solve the differential equations. In this example, we will use explicit Euler method. I have created a function to implement the algorithm. The following image shows the application of the explicit Euler method.

Application of the explicit Euler method in MATLAB

Step 3: Call the Function
This is the final step where we need to call the function. In the previous step, we have created a function, which we are going to call in this step to solve the equations.

Final stage where we call the function


So, that's it. We are done with the process, and we can now visualize the solution. I have also attached the MATLAB codes for this problem at the end.

Plot showing the solutions of differential equations

MATLAB Program:

close all;

format long;

% Defining the three differential equations of the problem
f = @(t,y) [-5*y(1)+5*y(2); 14*y(1)-2*y(2)-y(1)*y(3); -3*y(3)+y(1)*y(2)];
[x,y] = explicit_euler(f,[0,5],[1;1;1],0.001); % Calling Euler function
title('When Time Step is 0.001');
legend('x(t)', 'y(t)', 'z(t)', 'Location', 'NorthEast')

function [x, y] = explicit_euler( f, xRange, y_initial, h )
% This function uses Euler’s explicit method to solve the ODE
% dv/dt=f(t,v); x refers to independent and y refers to dependent variables
% f defines the differential equation of the problem
% xRange = [x1, x2] where the solution is sought on
% y_initial = column vector of initial values for y at x1
% numSteps = number of equally-sized steps to take from x1 to x2
% x = row vector of values of x
% y = matrix whose k-th column is the approximate solution at x(k)
x(1) = xRange(1);
numSteps = ( xRange(2) - xRange(1) ) /h ;
y(:,1) = y_initial(:);
for k = 1 : numSteps
x(k + 1) = x(k) + h; 
y(:,k+1) = y(:,k) + h * f( x(k), y(:,k) );

#ExplicitEulerMethod #Matlab #NumericalMethod #Blog #Blogger

Discussion on Numerical Integration Approaches with MATLAB

In this tutorial, we are going to implement four numerical integration schemes in MATLAB. The methods are:

i)   Midpoint Rectangle Rule
ii)  Trapezoidal Rule
iii) Simpson’s 1/3 Rule
iv) Simpson’s 3/8 Rule

Let's say, we would like to integrate the following error function where the upper interval, a is 1.5. At first, we will evaluate the true integral of the error function, and then, we will find the integral numerically with the above methods (i) -(iv).

Error function integral

Finally, we will compare each method with the true value and make some comments based on the deviations if we have any. For each method, we will find out the following parameters:

Table showing integration parameters

Here, n refers to the numbers, 1,2,4,8,16, ...,128. I_num is the numerical value of integration, h is the step size, and E is the error, which is the absolute difference between true and numerical results. First, we are going to determine the true value of the error function while integrating from 0 to 1.5. Then, we will apply the corresponding methods and compare the absolute error.

MATLAB Code for Midpoint Rectangle Rule

close all;
% Defining the error function
f = @(x) (2/sqrt(pi))*exp(-x.^2);
a = 0;
b = 1.5; % Upper integration limit
n = [1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128];
L = length(n);

% Exact integral using MATLAB built-in function
I = integral(f,a,b);
fprintf('\n     n          h         I_NUM          E')
for j = 1:L
x_1 = a:h(j):b;
% Using MATLAB built-in command for repeated arrays
x_2 = repelem(x_1(2:end-1),2); 
xh = [a x_2 b];
% Numerical integration by mid-point rectangular rule
for i = 1:length(x_1)-1
    I_NUM = I_NUM + f(a  +(i-1/2).*h).*h;
% Defining the error
E(j) = abs(I-I_NUM(j));
fprintf('\n %5.6g %11.6g %12.6g %10.6g', n(j), h(j), I_NUM(j), E(j))

The following table shows the parameters determined by this approach:
Show comparison with true integration value

MATLAB Code for Trapezoidal Rule

close all;
% Defining the error function
f = @(x) (2/sqrt(pi))*exp(-x.^2);
a = 0;
b = 1.5; % Upper integration limit
n = [1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128];
L = length(n);

% Exact integral using MATLAB built-in function
I = integral(f,a,b);
fprintf('\n     n          h         I_NUM          E')
for j = 1:L

% Numerical integration using Trapezoidal rule
for i = 1:n(j)
    I_NUM = I_NUM+(f(a+(i-1).*h) + f(a+i.*h)).*h/2;
% Defining the error
E(j) = I - I_NUM(j);
fprintf('\n %5.6g %11.6g %12.6g %10.6g', n(j), h(j), I_NUM(j), E(j))

The following table shows the parameters determined by this approach:
Show comparison with true integration value

MATLAB Code for Simpson’s 1/3 Rule

close all;
% Defining the error function
f = @(x) (2/sqrt(pi))*exp(-x.^2);
a = 0;
b = 1.5; % Upper integration limit
n = [1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128];
L = length(n);

% Exact integral using MATLAB built-in function
I = integral(f,a,b);
fprintf('\n     n          h         I_NUM          E')

for j = 1:L    
    h(j) = (b-a)/(2*n(j));  
% Numerical integration using Simpson’s 1/3 rule
I_NUM = 0;
for i = 1:n(j)
    I_NUM = I_NUM+(f(a+(2*i-2).*h) + 4*f(a+(2*i-1).*h) + f(a+(2*i).*h)).*h./3;
E(j) = abs(I - I_NUM(j));
fprintf('\n %5.6g %11.6g %12.6g %10.6g', n(j), h(j), I_NUM(j), E(j))

The following table shows the parameters determined by this approach:
Showing comparison with true integration value

MATLAB Code for Simpson’s 3/8 Rule

close all;
% Defining the error function
f = @(x) (2/sqrt(pi))*exp(-x.^2);
a = 0;
b = 1.5; % Upper integration limit
n = [1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128];
L = length(n);

% Exact integral using MATLAB built-in function
I = integral(f,a,b);
fprintf('\n     n          h         I_NUM          E')

for j = 1:L  
h(j) = (b-a)/(3*n(j)); 
% Numerical integration using Simpson’s 3/8 rule
I_NUM = 0;
for i=1:n(j)
    I_NUM = I_NUM + (f(a+(3*i-3).*h) + 3*f(a+(3*i-2).*h) + 3*f(a+(3*i-1).*h) + f(a+(3*i).*h))*3.*h/8;
% Defining the error
E(j) = abs(I - I_NUM(j));
fprintf('\n %5.6g %11.6g %12.6g %10.6g', n(j), h(j), I_NUM(j), E(j))

The following table shows the parameters determined by this approach:
Showing comparison with true integration value

We see from the above comparisons that both Simpson's rules give us a good approximation of the true value, especially when n is greater than 4. For the rectangular approach, the value reaches close to the true value when n is 128. The same is also evident for the trapezoidal rule. So, we can conclude that both the Simpson's rules are more efficient and accurate approaches compared to the rest.

#TrapezoidalRule #SimpsonsRule #Matlab #NumericalIntegration #Blog #Blogger

Stress and Strain Analysis of Linear Finite Elements

In this tutorial, we will use principle of virtual work method to determine the stress and displacement of the nodes of linear one dimensional finite elements. Following figure 1 represents a cantilever beam which is stressed axially. Let's assume the parameters L, A, E, c have the same value of 1 unit for simplicity. Our goal is to compare the finite element results with the exact solutions of a typical cantilever problem.
For this problem, we need to consider two quadratic one dimensional element. So, the displacement is interpolated among the three nodes and has the following form:

Cantilever Beam
Fig.1: Showing one dimensional axially load bar given in the assignment problem.

piecewise linear interpolation
Fig.2: Showing one dimensional piecewise linear interpolation.

Mathematica Program for Element 1

Clear[x, a0, a1, a2, u1, u2, u3, L]

(*Definition of quadratic form of displacement*)
u = a0 + a1*x + a2*x^2;

eq1 = (u /. x -> 0) - u1;
eq2 = (u /. x -> L/4) - u2;
eq3 = (u /. x -> L/2) - u3;

sol = Solve[{eq1 == 0, eq2 == 0, eq3 == 0}, {a0, a1, a2}];
u = u /. sol[[1]]

N1 = Coefficient[u, u1];
N2 = Coefficient[u, u2];
N3 = Coefficient[u, u3];

(*Shape Functions*)
Nn = {N1, N2, N3}

(*Applied Axial Load*)
p = c*x;

(*Nodal Force Vectors*)
fe = Integrate[Nn*p, {x, 0, L/2}];
c = 1;
L = 1;
fe // MatrixForm

Program Outputs

Displacement Vector for Element 1:

Displacement Vector

Shape Functions for Element 1:

Shape Functions

Nodal Force Vector for Element 1:

Nodal Force Vector

Mathematica Program for Element 2

Clear[x, a0, a1, a2, u1, u2, u3, L]

(*Definition of quadratic form of displacement*)
u = a0 + a1*x + a2*x^2;

eq1 = (u /. x -> 0) - u1;
eq2 = (u /. x -> L/4) - u2;
eq3 = (u /. x -> L/2) - u3;

sol = Solve[{eq1 == 0, eq2 == 0, eq3 == 0}, {a0, a1, a2}];
u = u /. sol[[1]]

N1 = Coefficient[u, u1];
N2 = Coefficient[u, u2];
N3 = Coefficient[u, u3];

(*Shape Functions*)
Nn = {N1, N2, N3}

(*Applied Axial Load*)
p = c*(x + L/2);

(*Nodal Force Vectors*)
fe = Integrate[Nn*p, {x, 0, L/2}];
c = 1;
L = 1;
fe // MatrixForm

Program Outputs

Displacement Vector for Element 2

Displacement Vector

Shape Functions for Element 2

Shape Functions

Nodal Force Vector for Element 2

Nodal Force Vector

Local Stiffness Matrix for Element 1

Clear[x, a0, a1, a2, u1, u2, u3, L, EA]

(*Definition of quadratic form of displacement*)
u = a0 + a1*x + a2*x^2;

eq1 = (u /. x -> 0) - u1;
eq2 = (u /. x -> L/4) - u2;
eq3 = (u /. x -> L/2) - u3;

sol = Solve[{eq1 == 0, eq2 == 0, eq3 == 0}, {a0, a1, a2}];
u = u /. sol[[1]];

N1 = Coefficient[u, u1];
N2 = Coefficient[u, u2];
N3 = Coefficient[u, u3];

B = {{D[N1, x], D[N2, x], D[N3, x]}};

(*Local Stiffness Matrix*)
K = Integrate[EA*Transpose[B].B, {x, 0, L/2}];

L = 1;
EA = 1;
K // MatrixForm

Program Outputs

Program Outputs

Comparison between the Exact and Solution using Four Elements

We know that the exact solution for the axially loaded bar shown in Fig. 1 may be written as,

exact solution

Where, for the consecutive four elements, we may write the displacement for each element as,

each element displacement

From the assignment problem, the parameter values are,

parameter values

From the virtual work method, we may write,

virtual work method

The internal virtual work (IVW) may be expressed as,

internal virtual work

And, the external virtual work may be presented as,

external virtual work


The following program is written to determine the nodal displacement using the finite element method considering the principle of virtual work. 

Clear[x, a0, a1, a2, u1, u2, u3, L]

(*Definition of quadratic form of displacement*)
u = a0 + a1*x + a2*x^2;

eq1 = (u /. x -> 0) - u1;
eq2 = (u /. x -> L/4) - u2;
eq3 = (u /. x -> L/2) - u3;

sol = Solve[{eq1 == 0, eq2 == 0, eq3 == 0}, {a0, a1, a2}];
u = u /. sol[[1]];

(*Shape Functions*)
N1 = Coefficient[u, u1];
N2 = Coefficient[u, u2];
N3 = Coefficient[u, u3];
Nn = {N1, N2, N3};

B = {{D[N1, x], D[N2, x], D[N3, x]}};

c = 1;
L = 1;
EA = 1;

(*Axial Force on Element 1*)
p1 = c*x;
fe1 = Integrate[Nn*p1, {x, 0, L/2}];

(*Axial Force on Element 2*)
p2 = c*(x + L/2);
fe2 = Integrate[Nn*p2, {x, 0, L/2}];

K1 = Integrate[EA*Transpose[B].B, {x, 0, L/2}];

K2 = Integrate[EA*Transpose[B].B, {x, 0, L/2}];

Ndof = 5;
Ne = 2;
ID1 = {1, 2, 3};
ID2 = {3, 4, 5};

K = ConstantArray[0, {Ndof, Ndof}];
K[[ID1, ID1]] = K1 + K[[ID1, ID1]];
K[[ID2, ID2]] = K2 + K[[ID2, ID2]];

fe = ConstantArray[0, {Ndof, 1}];
fe[[ID1]] = fe1 + fe[[ID1]];
fe[[ID2]] = fe2 + fe[[ID2]];

IDE = {1};
IDN = {2, 3, 4, 5};

KR = Delete[K, IDE];
KR = Delete[Transpose[KR], IDE];
KR = Transpose[KR];

feR = Delete[fe, IDE];

(*Calculation of Nodal Displacements*)
DisR = LinearSolve[KR, feR];

Dis = ConstantArray[0, {Ndof, 1}];
Dis[[IDN]] = DisR + Dis[[IDN]];
Dis // MatrixForm

Program Outputs

Program Outputs

So, we see that the exact and finite element solutions are the same.

From the following two plots, we notice that although the nodal displacement is continuous from the FEA result, it is not true for the stress. The stress distribution is indeed discontinuous.

nodal displacement

stress distribution


(*Exact Solution*)
uexact = c*L^2/2/EA*x - c/6/EA*x^3;

(*Finite Element Approximation*)
N1 = Piecewise[{{4 x/L, 0 <= x <= L/4}, {4/L (L/2 - x), 
     L/4 <= x <= L/2}}, 0];
N2 = Piecewise[{{4/L (x - L/4), L/4 <= x <= L/2}, {4/L (3 L/4 - x), 
     L/2 <= x <= 3 L/4}}, 0];
N3 = Piecewise[{{4/L (x - L/2), L/2 <= x <= 3 L/4}, {4/L (L - x), 
     3 L/4 <= x <= L}}, 0];
N4 = Piecewise[{{4/L (x - 3 L/4), 3 L/4 <= x <= L}}, 0];

u1 = c*L^3/EA*(47/384);
u2 = c*L^3/EA*(11/48);
u3 = c*L^3/EA*(39/128);
u4 = c*L^3/EA*(1/3);

(*Calculating Nodal Displacement*)
u = u1*N1 + u2*N2 + u3*N3 + u4*N4;
uexactp = uexact /. {c -> 1, EA -> 1, L -> 1}

sigmaexact = D[uexactp, x]
up = u /. {c -> 1, EA -> 1, L -> 1}
sigmap = D[up, x]

(*Plotting to Show the Comparison between Exact and FEA Solution*)
Plot[{uexactp, up}, {x, 0, 1}, 
 AxesLabel -> {"x", "Nodal Displacement"}, 
 PlotLegends -> {"uexact", "u_Finite Element"}]
Plot[{sigmaexact, sigmap}, {x, 0, 1}, AxesLabel -> {"x", "sigma_11"}, 
 PlotLegends -> {"sigma_exact", "sigma_Finite Element"}]

For further information on finite element analysis and Mathematica, readers are encouraged to visit this page.

#FiniteElement #StressStrain #Mathematica #Abaqus #FEA #Blog #Blogger