In this example, an implementation of the Explicit Euler approach by MATLAB program to solve an ordinary differential equation (ODE) is presented. Let's consider a differential equation, which is defined as,
dv/dt = p(t) v + q(t)
p(t) = 5(1+t)
q(t) = (1+t)e^-t
The initial value is, v(0) = 1;, and the time period is 0 < t < 10.
The implementation of Explicit Euler scheme may be represented as,
v_n+1 = v_n (1 - ph) + hq
The following MATLAB program implements this scheme:
close all;
y_initial = 1; % Defines initial condition, v(0)=1
h = 1.1; % Defines time step
[ t, v ] = expliciteuler( @f_ode, [ 0.0,10 ], y_initial, h );
hold on
function f_vt = f_ode ( t, v )
% This function defines the differential equation
% t is the independent variable
% v is the dependent variable
% f_vt represents the dv/dt
p= 5*(1+t);
f_vt = p*v+q;
function [x, y] = expliciteuler( f_ode, xRange, y_initial, h )
% This function uses Euler’s explicit method to solve the ODE
% dv/dt=f_ode(t,v); x refers to t and y refers to v
% f_ode defines the differential equation of the problem
% xRange = [x1, x2] where the solution is sought on
% y_initial = column vector of initial values for y at x1
% numSteps = number of equally-sized steps to take from x1 to x2
% x = row vector of values of x
% y = matrix whose k-th column is the approximate solution at x(k)
x(1) = xRange(1);
numSteps = ( xRange(2) - xRange(1) ) /h ;
y(:,1) = y_initial;
for k = 1 : numSteps
x(1,k+1) = x(1,k) + h;
y(:,k+1) = y(:,k) + h * f_ode( x(k), y(:,k) );
Program Output:
The following plot shows the value of the solution with respect of time increment.
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